Before anyone considers Forex trading, they should understand the facts that are outlined in this article. If you understand them before you trade, you can avoid the losing majority and join the small minority of winners...
Here are your facts - they are in no particular order of importance - they are all important.
1. Forex Trading is Not a Walk in the Park
Many traders simply think it's easy to win and yet it's not as 95% of traders lose and they want to follow others selling robots and sure fire systems which simply don't work. In Forex trading you can win but you need to get the right education and mindset
2. Forex Robots Don't Work
All the ones you see heavily advertised online never win. It's obvious you don't get financial freedom for $100.00. Don't be naïve, if they did work, the whole world would be trading and there would be no credit crunch. Pass them by, you need to make money by learning skills and how to apply them.
3. Hard Work Counts for Nothing
Many traders actually come in with the attitude the harder they work the more money they will make - but this is not true, you get rewarded for being right, not the effort you make. To Win, you need to work smart not hard.
4. Complicated Systems and Intelligence dont Guarantee Success
They count for nothing in terms of Forex trading success - it's a fact that simple systems work best, as they have fewer elements to break, than complicated ones. To win you don't need to be college educated, you just need the right mindset and a willingness to learn.
5. Prediction is not the way to make Money
This myth is put about by vendors, who claim markets move to some higher force but they don't. If you predict, you're simply guessing and your guess will be as accurate as your horoscope. Trade the reality of price change on a chart and you will have the odds on your side and win.
6. A good System is Enough
No its not. I have seen plenty of people with good systems lose. The reason they lose is - you need to understand the system needs to be applied by you! This means you have to apply it with discipline, through periods of losses and stay on course, as the market makes you look stupid and your emotions are trying to get involved.
Discipline is based on confidence and a sound Forex education. Discipline is actually the one trait that separates winners from losers.
7. Anyone Can Learn to Win
Its true, anyone can learn to win and if you work smart, you can learn forex trading in a few weeks and then be making big profits, in about 30 minutes a day. No other business will reward you with so much, for your effort as Forex trading.
The Challenge
The challenge is there and anyone can take it up.
Just decide that you want to win and understand, you can learn to trade and you can get confidence in what your doing which leads to discipline, the key trait for success.
Are you ready for the challenge?
If so, welcome to the world of Forex trading the world's most exciting investment opportunity.
Here are your facts - they are in no particular order of importance - they are all important.
1. Forex Trading is Not a Walk in the Park
Many traders simply think it's easy to win and yet it's not as 95% of traders lose and they want to follow others selling robots and sure fire systems which simply don't work. In Forex trading you can win but you need to get the right education and mindset
2. Forex Robots Don't Work
All the ones you see heavily advertised online never win. It's obvious you don't get financial freedom for $100.00. Don't be naïve, if they did work, the whole world would be trading and there would be no credit crunch. Pass them by, you need to make money by learning skills and how to apply them.
3. Hard Work Counts for Nothing
Many traders actually come in with the attitude the harder they work the more money they will make - but this is not true, you get rewarded for being right, not the effort you make. To Win, you need to work smart not hard.
4. Complicated Systems and Intelligence dont Guarantee Success
They count for nothing in terms of Forex trading success - it's a fact that simple systems work best, as they have fewer elements to break, than complicated ones. To win you don't need to be college educated, you just need the right mindset and a willingness to learn.
5. Prediction is not the way to make Money
This myth is put about by vendors, who claim markets move to some higher force but they don't. If you predict, you're simply guessing and your guess will be as accurate as your horoscope. Trade the reality of price change on a chart and you will have the odds on your side and win.
6. A good System is Enough
No its not. I have seen plenty of people with good systems lose. The reason they lose is - you need to understand the system needs to be applied by you! This means you have to apply it with discipline, through periods of losses and stay on course, as the market makes you look stupid and your emotions are trying to get involved.
Discipline is based on confidence and a sound Forex education. Discipline is actually the one trait that separates winners from losers.
7. Anyone Can Learn to Win
Its true, anyone can learn to win and if you work smart, you can learn forex trading in a few weeks and then be making big profits, in about 30 minutes a day. No other business will reward you with so much, for your effort as Forex trading.
The Challenge
The challenge is there and anyone can take it up.
Just decide that you want to win and understand, you can learn to trade and you can get confidence in what your doing which leads to discipline, the key trait for success.
Are you ready for the challenge?
If so, welcome to the world of Forex trading the world's most exciting investment opportunity.